Family Violence Prevention Week
May 12 to 18, 2025
The Premier’s Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention (PAC) encourages Island municipalities and community organizations to play an active role in 2025 Family Violence Prevention Week, 12-18 May 2025.
Family Violence Prevention Week highlights PAC’s vision of a society where everyone is safe, respected and valued and where people have opportunities to reach their full potential while contributing to the overall well-being of families and communities. The theme for Family Violence Prevention Week 2025 is "Preventing Family Violence in Older Adults."
Wednesday, May 14th is Wear Purple Day
Islanders are encouraged to wear purple to raise awareness of the campaign, to remember victims of violence and their families and to demonstrate that violence in any relationship is not acceptable.
Everyone is welcome to join in the Charlottetown Walk in Silence on May 14 at 12:30 pm (Please note the change of time) organized by the Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention. Beginning and ending at Rochford Square with light refreshments provided by the City of Charlottetown, there will be Seeds of Hope packets, messages of support, and time to connect with others in the community.
Walks in Silence - Below are last year's activities. Please check back to see those for 2025!
Tuesday, May 14
- Lennox Island, starting from the Health Centre at 12 noon
- Hosted by the Chief Mary Bernard Memorial Women's Shelter
- Kensington, Town Hall at 12:30 pm
- Event is followed by light refreshments
- Cornwall, West River United Church, 10 Church Street at 6:00 pm
Wednesday, May 15
- Charlottetown, Rochford Square at 12 Noon
- Hosted by Premier's Action Committee followed by light refreshments provided by the City of Charlottetown
- O'Leary, Walking Track at 2:00 pm
- Hosted in partnership between the Town of O'Leary, PEI Family Violence Prevention Services, and Western Region Sports and Rec Council/GoWest PEI
- Montague, Begin and end at Families First at 11:30 am
- Hosted in partnership with the Montague High School SAVE group. Refreshments to follow
Thursday, May 16
- Alberton, beginning at Alberton Elementary at 1:00 pm
- Hosted by Alberton Elementary in partnership with Town of Alberton, GoWest PEI and PEI FVPS
- Summerside, Gazebo at 263 Heather Moyse Drive at 12 Noon
Friday, May 17
- Tignish, at the walking track at 6:00 pm
Events and Activities
Monday, May 13
- Coffee break at 10 -10:30 am the Provincial Buildings to launch Family Violence Prevention Week
Tuesday, May 14
- Montague Public Library book reading at 11:30 with refreshments
Wednesday, May 15
- Summerside Library hosting a Kindness Reading at 1:00 pm
- Montague Book Reading at Family's First Family Resource Centre at 11 am
- Milton Hall, Making fleece knotted blankets for Anderson House
- Tyne Valley Library hosting a BE KIND Reading for young children at 1:15 pm
- "Tales of Stubble and Strength" The Guild, 6:30 pm
- A joint initiative between PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre, PEERS Alliance and local playwright and director Benton Hartley, this theatre production aims to raise awareness surrounding the stories of male survivors of sexual violence. For free tickets,
Thursday, May 16
- Stars for Life Lunch at Learn 12 Noon- 2 pm
- "Tales of Stubble and Strength" The Guild, 6:30 pm
- A joint initiative between PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre, PEERS Alliance and local playwright and director Benton Hartley, this theatre production aims to raise awareness surrounding the stories of male survivors of sexual violence. For free tickets,
- Kensington Murray Christian Centre - 7 pm
- Participate in a community forum to imagine what one town can do to contribute to ending gender-based violence. For anyone who lives in, works in, or feels connected to Kensington. 7 pm Hosted by PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Town of Kensington, and Under the Spire. For more information, call 902-368-4510 or email
Friday, May 17, 18
- Women's Network 40'th Anniversary Women's Festival will have a Family Violence Prevention display at their event at the Delta Hotel, Charlottetown
- Souris Public Library Book reading at 1 pm with refreshments available
Week Long Events
- PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre will be offering small art prints that include the words, "We Believe You"
- West Prince Family Violence Prevention Services Outreach will be providing Kindness Challenge packages to Westisle Family of Schools
- Week long activities hosted by SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere) at Montague High School - Door decorating and home room donation challenge for items toward Anderson House
- Donation of Daniel Siegel books on trauma and brain development in young children to Hope House
- Schedule of Community Events
- Posters and videos
- Hosted in partnership with the Town of Tignish, PEI Family Violence Prevention Services, and Western Region Sports and Rec Council/GoWest PEI
- Coffee break at 10 -10:30 am the Provincial Buildings to launch Family Violence Prevention Week
- Montague Public Library book reading at 11:30 with refreshments
- Stars for Life Lunch at Learn 12 Noon- 2 pm
- "Tales of Stubble and Strength" The Guild, 6:30 pm
- A joint initiative between PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre, PEERS Alliance and local playwright and director Benton Hartley, this theatre production aims to raise awareness surrounding the stories of male survivors of sexual violence. For free tickets,
- Kensington Murray Christian Centre - 7 pm
- Participate in a community forum to imagine what one town can do to contribute to ending gender-based violence. For anyone who lives in, works in, or feels connected to Kensington. 7 pm Hosted by PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Town of Kensington, and Under the Spire. For more information, call 902-368-4510 or email
- Women's Network 40'th Anniversary Women's Festival will have a Family Violence Prevention display at their event at the Delta Hotel, Charlottetown
- Souris Public Library Book reading at 1 pm with refreshments available
- PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre will be offering small art prints that include the words, "We Believe You"
- West Prince Family Violence Prevention Services Outreach will be providing Kindness Challenge packages to Westisle Family of Schools
- Week long activities hosted by SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere) at Montague High School - Door decorating and home room donation challenge for items toward Anderson House
- Donation of Daniel Siegel books on trauma and brain development in young children to Hope House
- Schedule of Community Events
- Posters and videos